Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Julius Ceaser Essay


‘Brutus and Caesar: what should be in that ‘Caesar’? Why should that name be sounded more than yours? Write them together, your is as fair a name.’ This quote shows how Cassius was cunning and therefore, how he manipulates people to his side. He compares Brutus and Caesar to emphasize how Brutus is loosing his power by Caesar. Saying that, Cassius expresses that Brutus and Caesar, even any other Romans have right to have same power in republic. However, Caesar’s name is getting stronger than others.

There are thousands of motivating factors of Cassius. Cassius was the one who made the great Roman Republic into Chaos. Cassius was the one who created a conflict to one of the Roman history. This was happened by Cassius’s own tropical motivating factors. Cassius is dishonorable, cunning, manipulative, and guilty. Cassius wants to be the most power men in Roman Republic. To be the best, Cassius has one problem to solve. Caesar, who brought victory from Pompey to Rome, is the actual strongest man in Roman Republic. ‘And why should Caesar be a tyrant then? Poor men! I know he would not be a wolf, but that he sees the Romans are but sheep;’ (Act one, Scene 3, line 103~105) This shows, how Cassius thinks of Caesar. Cassius compared Caesar as the wolf and the Romans as the sheep. Cassius sees that Caesar is using his great power to us Romans like a slave. From this reasoning, Cassius decides to murder Caesar. However, Cassius realizes Caesar is too strong for Cassius to kill. Therefore, Cassius gather conspirators who were treated as a slave of Caesar. In front of the conspirators, he expresses Caesar who climbs up on the ladder and forgetting all the people who were helping Caesar to be stronger. Conspirators start to believe in Caesar and be a part of the Caesar’s assassination. ‘Yes, every mad of them; and no man here but honors you; and every one doth wish you had but that opinion of yourself which ever noble Romans bears of you. This is Trebonious.’ (Act two, Scene 1 #90~92) Cassius brings most of the conspirators to Brutus house to get Brutus heart on his side. Cassius also sends a fake letter, which says the Romans need help from Brutus and the Romans want Cassius to kill Caesar. This shows Cassius dishonor and cunning feature that he does whatever he wants to do to achieve his own goal and to get is own advantage.

On the other side, Cassius becomes very envy by how he thinks as Caesar. Cassius thinks that Caesar is not well enough to contain great power from the Romans. By Cassius’s cruel thought, he became envy, violent and dishonorable. This made Cassius to murder Caesar. This thought made al Rome into Civil war, the chaos. ‘But it is doubtful yet whether Caesar will come forth today or no; For he is superstitious grown of late, Quite from the main opinion he held once of Fantasy, of reams, and ceremonies. ‘ (Act two, Scene 1 #193~196) Cassius even includes phenomena, the omens from the god to explain his feelings towards Caesar to the conspirators and Brutus. By this, the conspirators believe in Cassius and trust him. Cassius contains great power from the conspirators. His leadership leads everyone to murder Caesar. Cassius great leadership grabs all the hearts of the conspirators and Brutus. However, to get this point, Cassius showed his motivating factors of envy, cruelness, jealousy and dishonor.

Cassius start from the assassination of Caesar converted Cassius’s motivating factors. He was worthy as showing his evilness, envy, jealousy, dishonor, cruelness and manipulative motivating factors. His characterizations did not help him to achieve his goal. He was too concerned for his own goals and achievements and Cassius didn’t look for others. Therefore, his conclusion was death. His motivators made him more into chaos. Cassius was too dishonored and envy that he could not control himself from pulling himself into chaos and danger.

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