Saturday, March 27, 2010

Collage Refelction

Think Creatively-For my collage, I made some geographical image. For example, I draw exact shape of American and Africa. Therefore, it shows the stepped migration of the lost boys. Also, by using 3D image. It helped me to create attention from the viewer. My 3D image made more sense about how horrible it was for Lost Boys to go through their conflicts from forced migration.
Reason Critically-For my collage, I followed all the rubric to get my images. My images were about Dinka Culture, conflicts in Sudan, refugee camp, and life in America. I put all my thought on every each image.My images creates story from the bottom of the paper to the top. Lost boys' life from Sudan and going to America by stepped migration.
Communicate Effectively-My collage shows how hard it was for Lost Boys to go through those conflicts. It does not always show conflict in Sudan. It shows their conflcts in America too. They suffered to get education, job and money. They also had to face new American Culture and racism. My collage basically expresses how Lost Boys had faced these conflicts and graduated from America with hope.
Live Ethically-From my collage, the viewers will understand Lost Boys' conflicts and how they suffered from it. However, they will also see how they faced these conflicts and find their hope, Some of my pictures were about graduation in America. I really made effort to put hopeful image of Lost Boys.

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