Sunday, November 22, 2009

Who am I from School of Athnes...?

I think I am Pythagoras from the painting 'School of Athnes'. Pythagoras was one of the most famous mathematicians in the world. Even though he only lived for 40 years, he invented a lot of things and he also proved a lot of new mathematical theorem. He was the one who said 'I can lift the Earth if I have a space to stand in the space and a really long stick.' Nowadays, his name is famous all over the world by the Pythagoras theorem which is proved by Pythagoras that square of X plus square of Y is equal from the right triangle. There are many similarities between Pythagoras and me. In the drawing, Pythagoras is really concentrated on the book. There are very many people surrounding Pythagoras, however Pythagoras is only on the book. This happens to me too. When I fall into something like watching movie, I cant come out from the movie until it's over. Even my mom calls me from next room; I ignore her and keep watching movie. I think I felt like Pythagoras, because I had a same experience as him from the drawing.

Relationship between art and society

During the Renaissance, many ideas and knowledges came back alive from the Ancient Greek period. From the artwork, we can find these simple knowledges too. 'School of Athnes' is one of the most famous artwork by Rapaheal from the Renaissance. It's obviously from the Renaissance; however we can find some Ancient Roman architecture style. Big round arches, beautiful decorations and perfect symmtery.This shows that during the Renaissance, art was also infulanced by Ancient Greek technique. People are wearing traditional Renaissance cloth. Also there are many scientist, artist, mathematicians and physiologist who had spread their name to whole world during the Renaissance. By this small details, artwork tells us about the society right at the time when the artwork was painted.